Thursday, May 26, 2011

don't be afraid to tip the chef ::

When you get down to bread and jelly, and you even ran out of peanut butter, it's time to go grocery shopping. 
Here's a look of what's on the menu tonight :)

Bacon Cheeseburger Pasta

8 oz. uncooked penne pasta
1 pound ground beef
6 bacon strips, diced
1 can (10 oz) condensed tomato soup
1 cup (4 oz) shredded cheddar cheese

1.  Cook pasta according to package directions.
2.  While pasta is cooking; cook beef over medium heat in a large skillet until no longer pink.  Drain and set
3.  In the same skillet, cook bacon until crisp.  Using slotted spoon, remove to paper towels.
4.  Drain bacon drippings from skillet.  Drain pasta., add to skillet.
5.  Stir in soup, beef and bacon; heat through.
6.  Sprinkly with cheese, cover and cook until cheese is melted. 

Happy cooking!

Friday, May 20, 2011

i've come a long way since age 7...

I've always held by this, and I always will.. growing up sucks!  People say to always stay a kid at heart.. that's not the problem.. I'd just much rather be a kid all around. 
Things I've learned while growing up...
1.  Boys don't have cooties (well some of them)
2.  Learning how to tie a shoe is overrated.
3.  Drama is just not needed.
4.  Celebrities are people too...
5.  Taxes SUCK!
6.  Take as many pictures as possible.
7.  Always wear a smile.
8.   Get off your cell phone while checking out at a store.
9.   Eat your least favorite food on the plate first... not last.
10.  Drink lots of water and go to the bathroom often.
11.  Remember at least one joke for a lifetime, and randomly tell it.
12.  Carry around a good fortune from the fortune cookies in your wallet/purse.
13.  Never work on your birthday.
14.  Be open minded... NO matter what.
15.  Always say 'I love you' to those who matter to you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

you need what? yep, i've got it!

mondays are a drag.  and it always takes me a good three hours and two coffees to get back into the swing of this little thing called 'work'.  bleh.

several people commented this weekend how i tend to always have the most random things in my car or purse.  so i'm making a list for fun and interesting purposes :)
my car... aka the green pony is full of:
-  a microwave
-  several storage containers
-  streamers
-  2 bird houses
-  a gym bag with a basketball
-  a snow suit
-  a boot for my lastest endeavor of a fractured foot
-  a journal
-  perfume
-  a flashlight
-  several pairs of shoes
-  a backpack with a blanket
-  a monopoly board game
-  a gps
   AND  a water bottle.

my purse (my brother refers to it as the magic bag) is full of fun things:
-  my wallet:  which holds my credit cards, receipts, pictures, money, ticket stubs etc.
-  a pair of green socks
-  a coin purse (inside: coins, chapstick and a jumpdrive)
-  a fart whistle
-  a ping pong ball
-  2 pairs of sunglasses
-  a hair brush
-  camera
-  silly straw
-  a name tag
-  body spray
-  hardware store bag holding a spare key
-  make up bag
-  a tape measure
-  note pad
  AND my keys.

after reading over this... yep, random items indeed :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

look mommy i'm all grown up...i have a blog.

Well, nothing better than starting at the beginning...
And to me the beginning is the ABC's.

My Favorite Things ABC's  ::

Airports  -  I like to sit and 'people watch' as they come and go, tangled up in their own world.

Brownies  -  You can't beat a warm gooey brownie right from the oven.

Crafts  -  Being creative is something I pride in.  It's good 'me time'

Dogs  -  While most people my age are popping out kiddos.. for now I have my pooches !

Eating  -  Really?  Who doesn't?!

Friday  -  I always feel like a kid in school waiting for the bell to ring and school to be out on half days.

Games  -  Cards, Board, or Drinking.. I love time with family and friends playing games.

Hot Chocolate  -  I put mine in my coffee... mmm

Intellectual conversation  -  Now - a - days simply consists or more than just , 'hey, what's up?'

Jeans  -  Cute shirt and jeans, or t-shirt and jeans.. I'm there.

Kissing  -  a boy, mom and dad, or even myself.. i LOVE kissing!

Laughter  -  No matter what your situation may be.. if you can laugh, you can LIVE!

Me Time  -  Where you sit and simply enjoy YOURself.

Naps  -  Late afternoon ones are my favorite!

Oreos  -  This kind of goes hand - in - hand with brownies :)

Pillows  -  You can never have too many, and there are so many to choose from now days.

Quotes  -  I have them all over.  In all the right places :)

Rainy Days  -  A small reminder that not everything is total sunshine, but life goes on.

Singing in the shower  -  I'm a total 'rockstar' in the shower !

Tic Tacs  - You can't suck on one and not smile.

Unkown  -  I thrive on simply not knowing what will happen.

Vacations  -  Who doesnt need one?

Window open Weather  -  Rain or shine.. if you can open the windows in the house.. it's a good day!

Xrays  -  This might sound cliche, but I've mastered breaking 15 bones in my lifetime, therefore x-rays facinate me.

Youtube  -  There is a video for EVERYTHING on Youtube.

Zoos  -  You're probably thinking it was either this or zebra, but truth be told.. in the past 4 months, I've been to the zoo 3 times!!