Well, nothing better than starting at the beginning...
And to me the beginning is the ABC's.
My Favorite Things ABC's ::
Airports - I like to sit and 'people watch' as they come and go, tangled up in their own world.
Brownies - You can't beat a warm gooey brownie right from the oven.
Crafts - Being creative is something I pride in. It's good 'me time'
Dogs - While most people my age are popping out kiddos.. for now I have my pooches !
Eating - Really? Who doesn't?!
Friday - I always feel like a kid in school waiting for the bell to ring and school to be out on half days.
Games - Cards, Board, or Drinking.. I love time with family and friends playing games.
Hot Chocolate - I put mine in my coffee... mmm
Intellectual conversation - Now - a - days simply consists or more than just , 'hey, what's up?'
Jeans - Cute shirt and jeans, or t-shirt and jeans.. I'm there.
Kissing - a boy, mom and dad, or even myself.. i LOVE kissing!
Laughter - No matter what your situation may be.. if you can laugh, you can LIVE!
Me Time - Where you sit and simply enjoy YOURself.
Naps - Late afternoon ones are my favorite!
Oreos - This kind of goes hand - in - hand with brownies :)
Pillows - You can never have too many, and there are so many to choose from now days.
Quotes - I have them all over. In all the right places :)
Rainy Days - A small reminder that not everything is total sunshine, but life goes on.
Singing in the shower - I'm a total 'rockstar' in the shower !
Tic Tacs - You can't suck on one and not smile.
Unkown - I thrive on simply not knowing what will happen.
Vacations - Who doesnt need one?
Window open Weather - Rain or shine.. if you can open the windows in the house.. it's a good day!
Xrays - This might sound cliche, but I've mastered breaking 15 bones in my lifetime, therefore x-rays facinate me.
Youtube - There is a video for EVERYTHING on Youtube.
Zoos - You're probably thinking it was either this or zebra, but truth be told.. in the past 4 months, I've been to the zoo 3 times!!